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The Shameless Flirt
The Shameless Flirt

The Shameless Flirt


4.50 (394 ratings)
A rogue with a silver tongue, a spinster with an iron heart, and the doorstep baby that brings them together.Ambrose Ashbrook spends his life hiding. Even his family sees nothing but the roguish facade he uses to hide behind. But when he finds an abandoned infant, all pretense is upended with one look at her dimpled smile. Knowing his sister is better equipped to help the child, Ambrose climbs aboard a carriage bound for the country. It’s only a day’s journey. An easy distance. Caring for a baby cannot be that difficult…Mary Hayward despises flirts. One broke her heart, and she won’t allow that to happen again, so being trapped in a public coach with a chatty charmer is the last thing she wants. But when it’s clear the gentleman is struggling to care for his young charge, Mary has no choice but to lend a hand.If only he would be quiet! A gentleman like him cannot possibly be interested in a plain spinster like herself…Could he?It was supposed to be a quick and simple trip to the country, but fate had other plans for them. Can they tear down the walls protecting their hearts and find true happiness together?Though part of the Regency Love series, each book is a standalone sweet historical romance and can be read in any order.