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4.30 (18 ratings)

Roy Blake wonders how he ended up in some woman's basement staring at jars that glow like they are on fire. More pressing to Roy is the two guys that showed up with Remington 20-Gauges looking for the same woman. He should have seen it coming -- ever since he was a kid he knew when a shift was about to happen. Lately, he had been questioning a lot of things, like why was his blind eye showing him strange little films, and who was the guy that kept popping up in these visions? More importantly, who is after this woman, and does the liquid in the jars actually possess the ability to heal? When Roy goes on the run with Lucy, he faces into what his life has become and tries to find answers down dark prairie roads populated with bowling hustlers, Cuba-loving hit men, and a man who controls an entirely different sort of salesforce.
