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The Multifarious Mystique of Big Dan Rob: A secret cult initiation. (Illustrated) (Grim Tales, Sordid Werks, & Other Compendiaries)
The Multifarious Mystique of Big Dan Rob: A secret cult initiation. (Illustrated) (Grim Tales, Sordid Werks, & Other Compendiaries)

The Multifarious Mystique of Big Dan Rob: A secret cult initiation. (Illustrated) (Grim Tales, Sordid Werks, & Other Compendiaries)


– Illustrated Edition –

In a world where people harbor split personalities, meet one man whose life goes beyond the ordinary, operating in two completely separate worlds — one mundane, one dark and monstrous. His opposing selves ultimately clash, leading toward a potentially devastating outcome. Will he overcome his grisly half before it’s too late?

It is called the Peerage and “Big Dan Rob” Wroblewski — sales executive, husband, dad, and ultimate go-getter — finds himself caught in a nightmarish world where he unknowingly engages in a secret occultist circle, snaring innocent victims and performing esoteric acts of brutality, all for the sake of their master, Don Lope de Barón — the Wolf Baron.

His shadowy persona finally rears its ugly head, penetrating his professional life, with shocking and deadly results. How he grapples with this truth eventually lures him down a path that threatens all that he’s worked hard for, including his most cherished blessing — his family.

Grim Tales, Sordid Werks, & Other Compendiaries is a series of short stories exposing the unsavory side of the human condition while crossing paths with the manifestation of darkness in all its various guises. Featuring true-to-life characters who are caught in bizarre and dire situations, and must face their most formidable horrors — including themselves. Packed with terror, shock, dread, and, most of all, cruel irony.
