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A Soldier's Promise: A Small Town Christian Romance
A Soldier's Promise: A Small Town Christian Romance

A Soldier's Promise: A Small Town Christian Romance


4.60 (544 ratings)

Reeling from a broken engagement that resulted in a small town scandal, ER nurse Julie Crain just wants to be left alone over the Fourth of July Holiday weekend. But when single dad, Derek Ryerson and his young daughter need a place to stay to recuperate from a car accident, Julie can't ignore their plight. She knows she needs to protect her heart, but little Lexi needs love and support.

Derek is the strong silent type, insisting on helping despite being injured. He seems too good to be true, and maybe he is. Because she soon realizes the former soldier has a secret that could tear them apart forever.


Amazon Customer
Great read

Loved the interesting storyline and characters and place it was letting me scene was . Was also clean and God was a part of your storyline. Thanks

Alaska reader
Great story

Great writing\story-telling by the author. The story kept moving & kept my interest.
Through faith both characters achieved a happy ending.

Amazon Customer
Haven’t read in years yet I could not put this down!

Love it, I cant wait to finish the entire series. Laura Scott is an amazing author whose books are easy to read

Jane Jones
A Soldier's Promise ~ Crystal Lake Series ~ Book 2

Derek Ryerson, an ex-soldier comes into the ER with his young daughter after being hit by a drunk driver. Julie Crain, ER nurse offers the other half of her duplex to Derek and Lexi when they are stuck in Crystal Lake on a holiday weekend even though she is getting over a bad relationship with another man. 'A Soldier's Promise' is a Christian romance where Julie sticks to her faith and Derek finds his again and they both develop a loving relationship.

Kristi Drillien
Short, sweet romance

(3.5 / 5)

ER nurse Larissa and a doctor she works with, Gabe, unite in their concern for a woman who Larissa suspects is being abused by her husband. They also bond over their shared running hobby and a minor calamity that befalls Larissa. Though Gabe is determined to never date a colleague, will Larissa change his mind?

This novelette is a quick, sweet romance. There wasn't a lot of depth, but that's expected in a story this short. Even still, both characters had a backstory that came into play in the story in some way. There were a few things that were a little odd due to the shallowness, like a character in Larissa's past that was apparently important enough to mention, but not to explain. And an action scene that was a little confusing, possibly because the author was trying to keep it short.

The Christianity in the story revolves around the theme of forgiveness, which leads to an apparent assertion that the reason to forgive those who have wronged you is because you have God's love and they don't. For one thing, to assume that anyone who you might be in a position to offer forgiveness to isn't a Christian is bad logic. Then there's the theological question about whether God loves those who have not turned to him for salvation, which I won't debate right now, but I'll just say the statement was odd.

This is the first in a series of novellas (from what I can see, the rest of the books are generally at least twice the length of this one). It's currently free on Amazon, as is the 2nd book. There's not truly a lot of substance here, but if you're looking for a quick, clean romance, I would recommend this.

Merry Jelks- Emmanuel
Good Story

Derek and his daughter were in an accident that bought him in contact with Julie through the hospital. When Derek wanted to leave the hospital but had no place to stay, Julie opened her home up to them and their journey began. During the course of their journey Julie learned that Derek was not being completely honest with her and when everything is placed out into the open, it is Julie that gives him guidance into what he really needs to do. This story will draw you in and have you backing Derek to gain what is his rights with his child with out being bullied by his ex's parents.

A Solider’s Promise (Crystal Lake Series Book 1)

A good sweet story of decent people that have been caught up in situations beyond their control. A father and daughter have been hit by a drunk driver and then they are taken to an emergency room while traveling in rural Wisconsin. A ER nurse offers her under construction Town House for them to use while the father recovers. Although the writer has sugar coated the custody battle (I am also going along with it, Just because I can). The child’s father is running away from wealthy grandparents, who have threatened to take their granddaughter away from her father. These custody battles are never good, nor do they end with the right out come in many cases. So I am overlooking this (again because I can) and this is a decent family love story without being sexed up.

Beautifully written.

Trusting was difficult for all the main characters, but by learning on God they worked through their challenges and got their HEA. Highly relatable characters.
